A professional athlete since the age of 14 till date, Mumbai based Ayesha Billimoria is one of the leading health & fitness influencers of India today.

“I understand human psychology because being an athlete I went through several ups and downs, both professionally and emotionally”. – Ayesha.
A runner herself, Ayesha actively promotes the importance of fitness and a healthy living to thousands of people through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram. “Sometimes posts and blogs are timely planned, but most of the times I go with the flow. No one besides me handles my profiles so it’s easy to go as and when I wish to post.” – is how she goes about things, in her own words.
“I love Instagram because it’s very visually appealing and there are tons of accounts which teach you a lot with their content”. – Ayesha
When asked about the current health and fitness landscape of India, Ayesha remarks – “I think the digital environment plays a huge role in the present day because virtually every single person is on a social media. There is so much of information out there that it makes it easy for the middle class to get educated too. They now don’t have to go to classes or sessions if they can’t afford it”.
Ayesha strongly urges people to follow social media, for she believes that there’s a lot for the fitness enthusiasts out there to learn from. “To get fit and understand the importance of this lifestyle. There is some very good information out there I hope people value it and learn from it”, says Ayesha.

“I don’t have any particular strategy but I try to engage more with the audience by helping them with their problems, answering their queries, or guiding them towards the right exercises or programs”.
A prominent health influencer of the nation, Ayesha believes that influencer marketing is gaining some good steam in India and it is, in turn, helping the entire set of fitness minded audience. “It (influencer marketing) is huge in India and I think it is having a great influence on people already. People are now more conscious about what they eat, their exercise routine, and their overall health as such. A trend of moving towards a healthier and holistic lifestyle is setting in”, asserts Ayesha.
One of the major challenges an influencer comes across while running a branded campaign is to be able to negotiate between what the brand wants and what their followers want. To which Ayesha remarks – “I try to make the campaign mine as much as possible. So that people can relate to it as much as I do”. She also mentions that for her, the relatability of a brand stands quintessential for her to take a call on whether or not to get in a long term relationship with a brand. “I have to be able to relate to a brand and the brand has to be closely associated with fitness. Only then can ii decide if a long term flow is necessary”, says Ayesha.

“Some really nice campaigns I have been a part of are Adidas Runners India and the Tribe project”.
When asked about the importance of influencer marketing platforms like Greenroom, Ayesha shares, “They are of huge importance. They are more like a medium between the company and the influencer”.
Tips for budding health influencers – “Just be you, and share your passion with the world. Dont try to be artificial or like someone else. People will love you for you being you”. – Ayesha.
We wish Ayesha all the best for all her future endeavours.
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