Last May, Instagram introduced a new feature called Guides as part of their initiative to help people combat the effects of COVID-19. Guides allow users to share long-form content such as tips and resources which can be viewed under a dedicated tab on their Instagram account. Guides as a feature was initially limited to a select group of creators, mostly ones whose content was centered around wellness and mental health. Creators and organizations including Deepika Padukone, AFSP and Heads Together have published Guides for their audience.

Deepika Padukone’s Instagram Guide about Mental Health
Guides Now Available For All Instagram Users
This month, Instagram will finally roll out the guides feature to all users, globally. Instagram users can now create guides on any topic, which will be available to the entire Instagram community for viewing. Moreover, These guides can be re-shared via Direct Messages and on Instagram stories.

Guides: Preview
How to Create Guides on Instagram
Drafting a guide is fairly simple. Here’s how you can create your own guide on Instagram:
1. Access Guide format through the Create button
2. Select one from the three categories to create a Guide on
For places, you can create a Guide for your saved places or the places included in your posts. For products, you can create your own Guide for a product owned by the brands on Instagram. The post category is the most flexible where you can create a guide on any topic by choosing posts from your feed or saved posts.
Why Product Guides stand out
The best part about creating product guides is that they will be featured on Instagram Shop. All you need to do is create a guide for a product and link it to the Instagram Shop.

Featuring your product guide on Instagram Shop makes it easy for customers to discover the latest shopping trends and where to purchase them.
What Guides Could Mean For Brands
Guide is an interesting format that enables you to present long-form content on Instagram in an engaging layout. For brands, this feature will be an important tool both to improve product discovery and influence purchase intent.

Guides allows brands to exploit the listicle format to present more information about their product. Additionally users have the option to purchase the product without exiting the app. This new feature will be a game-changer and every brand must incorporate it in their brand’s way-forward strategy.
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