With every passing day, influencer marketing is proving to be one of the most profitable digital marketing channels across brands and product categories. Reports clearly indicate the inclination of the majority of marketing managers towards influencer campaigns all over the world. One of the major reasons for influencer marketing to scale highs at such a rapid pace is derived from the innate potential of influencer campaigns to spike up sales. Hence, it is quite prudent for small-scale businesses to invest a considerable portion of their marketing budget in spreading the word out through influencers. Let’s try to look at a few of the major impacts of influencer marketing on the market:
Winning the trust of consumers
The one thing that social influencers enjoy the most is the trust of their followers. It is very natural for a person to get motivated by the opinion of a person they trust. It is easy for people to have faith in brands trusted by influencers they follow. Much like celebrity endorsement, influencer marketing caters to the trust factor of people. Naturally, an augmented trust factor of a brand directly shows results in the sales figures.
Selling without annoying the customer
The ever-increasing barrage of digital ads gets to nerves of online consumers more often than not. There has been a 74% rise in the number of people using ad-blockers in the past one year, and the figures are only expected to grow. Highly targeted digital ads often get irritating and creepy, putting off the customer. On the contrary, a branded post shared by an influencer comes as a more authentic form of brand advocacy and is heartily welcomed by consumers. This has got a positive impact on the purchase decision, and thus, positively impacts sales figures as well. Learn how to win over the ad-block digital environment.
Reaching out to the right kind of audience
Though advanced data-driven marketing tools do well in customer segmentation, influencer marketing hits the nail on the head with the highest possible precision. A proper research to spot the right set of influencers for your brand puts you in a favourable position to reach out to the cream of your target audience in terms of demographics as well as qualitative preferences. When you reach out to the right kind of audience with your message delivered by the right kind of people, sales naturally go up. Know how to find the perfect influencer for your brand.
Driving engagement
The biggest challenge for all social media marketers remains to be the need for driving engagement, the very basis of social media. You can buy reach, but not successful engagement. With the social landscape getting cluttered, it is getting more difficult to engage with your audience on a daily basis. Influencers, on the other hand, by default have high engagement rates. Once these influencers start talking about your brand or product, a sudden surge is noticed in terms of the buzz created around your brand with thousands of followers talking about it. This results in a considerable amount of traffic being driven to your property. Learn how to engage with your social media followers.
Getting brand awareness go viral
Influencer marketing helps to spread awareness exponentially. This is an amalgamation of multiple factors discussed so far. Trying to understand it step by step, let’s consider the scenario – you rope in a few mid-range influencers to promote your range of sports shoes. With these influencers posting on multiple platforms, your message is being delivered to an array of followers of these influencers. Many of these followers will engage with the post and share it for their network to see. So this works as Chinese Whispers, without losing the content, providing you with a much better dissemination of messages.
Hope this was a good read. Keep following us for everything related to influencer marketing.